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Clients and Project

There are many customers that the SPXLogical has had over the years, in this section projects and existing customers and the companies we work with for years, with whom we have a close working relationship very intense that allowed us to achieve results clearly visible.

INRAN (National Research Institute for Food Nutrition) / INCA (National Canned Food) - Realization of WEB portal that connects the management, in the restricted area, production data contributor to businesses nationally with the information system of the institution through the cooperation of four connected servers in WAN architecture between the Directorate General of Rome, the headquarters of Parma, the home of Fisciano (SA) and the headquarters of Cosenza


UNIRE (Union National Increment Breeds Equine) - Application procedures for management Racing Gallop, Managing Racing Trot, News of Racing


OPES ITALY - Realization of the portal Entity recognized by CONI, with management in the restricted area of ​​sports clubs and affiliated membership of Atlet


C.R.I. Italian Red Cross - Lazio Regional Committee - Management platform WEB Based courses in first aid, enrollment, attendance at the attestation of passing exams


C.G.E. - Energy Management Control - application platform three levels developed in collaboration with the CESAB - Study Center Environmental Science and Biotechnology (Department of the European University of Rome) and now LSI Lastem Srl manufacturer of professional weather stations


ZETEMA Culture Project srl - Company of the City of Rome, the realization of the portal Incontragiovani cooperating with a back-end of 11 branches located throughout the area and a central office


ILTUOUFFICIOWEB - portal application of SPXLogical of which are visible and accessible by subscription the various solutions developed by the company for public sector entities and local and for SMEs (electronic protocol, the Document Management of administrative acts, the Maintenance Management, the Management maintenance of the electronic apparatus, the address book management with integrated Web services send massive email and SMS)


SITES MINORS made for SMEs (aidonlust.it, humanrights.it, iltalbikeroma.it, caspi.it, teatrostudiodue.it etc. etc.)

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